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发表于 2012-9-7 09:08:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

HARVARD UniversityUnited States
2University of CAMBRIDGEUnited Kingdom
3YALE UniversityUnited States
4UCL (University College London)United Kingdom
5=IMPERIAL College LondonUnited Kingdom
5=University of OXFORDUnited Kingdom
7University of CHICAGOUnited States
8PRINCETON UniversityUnited States
9Massachusetts Institute of Technology (m...United States
10California Institute of Technology (calt...United States
11COLUMBIA UniversityUnited States
12University of PENNSYLVANIAUnited States
13JOHNS HOPKINS UniversityUnited States
14DUKE UniversityUnited States
15CORNELL UniversityUnited States
16STANFORD UniversityUnited States
17AUSTRALIAN National UniversityAustralia
18Mcgill UniversityCanada
19University of MICHIGANUnited States
20=ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of T...Switzerland
20=University of EDINBURGHUnited Kingdom
22University of TOKYOJapan
23KING‘S College LondonUnited Kingdom
24University of HONG KONGHong Kong
25KYOTO UniversityJapan
26University of MANCHESTERUnited Kingdom
27CARNEGIE MELLON UniversityUnited States
28Ecole Normale Superieure, PARISFrance
29University of TORONTOCanada
30National University of Singapore (NUS)Singapore
31BROWN UniversityUnited States
32=NORTHWESTERN UniversityUnited States
32=University of California, Los Angeles (u...United States
34University of BRISTOLUnited Kingdom
35HONG KONG University of Science And Tech...Hong Kong
36=École PolytechniqueFrance
36=University of MELBOURNEAustralia
36=University of SYDNEYAustralia
39University of California, BERKELEYUnited States
40University of BRITISH COLUMBIACanada
41University of QUEENSLANDAustralia
42Federal Polytechnic School of LAUSANNESwitzerland
43=OSAKA UniversityJapan
43=TRINITY College DublinIreland
45MONASH UniversityAustralia
46The Chinese University of HONG KONGHong Kong
47=SEOUL National UniversityKorea, South
47=University of NEW SOUTH WALESAustralia
49=TSINGHUA UniversityChina
49=University of AMSTERDAMNetherlands
51University of COPENHAGENDenmark
52=NEW YORK University (nyu)United States
52=PEKING UniversityChina
54BOSTON UniversityUnited States
55=Technical University of MUNICHGermany
55=TOKYO Institute of TechnologyJapan
57HEIDELBERG UniversityGermany
58University of WARWICKUnited Kingdom
59University of ALBERTACanada
60LEIDEN UniversityNetherlands
61=The University of AUCKLANDNew Zealand
61=University of Wisconsin-madisonUnited States
63=AARHUS UniversityDenmark
63=University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (U of I)

United States
65Catholic University of LEUVENBelgium
66University of BIRMINGHAMUnited Kingdom
67=London School of Economics And Political...United Kingdom
67=LUND UniversitySweden
69Kaist - Korea Advanced Institute of Scie...Korea, South
70=University of YORKUnited Kingdom
70=UTRECHT UniversityNetherlands
72University of GENEVASwitzerland
73=Nanyang Technological University (NTU)Singapore
73=WASHINGTON University In St. LouisUnited States
75UPPSALA UniversitySweden
76=University of CALIFORNIA, San DiegoUnited States
76=University of TEXAS At AustinUnited States
78University of NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hil...United States
79University of GLASGOWUnited Kingdom
80University of WASHINGTONUnited States
81University of ADELAIDEAustralia
82University of SHEFFIELDUnited Kingdom
83DELFT University of TechnologyNetherlands
84University of WESTERN AUSTRALIAAustralia
85DARTMOUTH CollegeUnited States
86GEORGIA Institute of TechnologyUnited States
87=PURDUE UniversityUnited States
87=University of ST ANDREWSUnited Kingdom
89University College DUBLINIreland
90EMORY UniversityUnited States
91University of NOTTINGHAMUnited Kingdom
92=NAGOYA UniversityJapan
92=University of ZURICHSwitzerland
94Free University of BERLINGermany
95=NATIONAL TAIWAN University (NTU)Taiwan
95=University of SOUTHAMPTONUnited Kingdom
97TOHOKU UniversityJapan
98Ludwig Maximilian - University of MUNICH...Germany
99University of LEEDSUnited Kingdom
100RICE UniversityUnited States

Source:QSQuacquarelli Symonds (www.topuniversities.com)

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